Lights Out! How to Combat Light Pollution with Sustainable Design

It’s annoying; it can be dangerous; it changes the natural life cycles of humans and wildlife.  

It’s artificial light going in all directions and getting into areas where it shouldn’t be, to begin with.

You’ve seen it before. It’s all around us, in the form of city lights, creating a halo around the skyline. Or in the illumination outside certain buildings to make them seem notorious and important.

On the highways, it’s those bright digital billboards that distract you from driving safely and even hurt your eyes. At home, it’s that annoying light coming from your neighbor’s patio that creeps in through the window and makes it hard to fall asleep.

It’s called light pollution and it affects us all.

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Sustainable Office Design is Good, Sustainable Business

When you sustain your resources, they sustain you. 

In sustainable architecture and interior design, designers seek to minimize the negative impact of buildings on the environment by applying to their designs innovative green methods—involving energy-saving technology, sustainable materials, recycling, repurposing and other elements that support long-term ecological balance.

Indeed, balance is key. As good citizens, we must balance our need to consume natural resources with the planet's need to conserve them. We can truly flourish only in a flourishing environment.

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